Never worry about GDPR compliance again

Increase your privacy standards and achieve GDPR compliance in days, not weeks. Auditee is the easiest way to automate your security, reduce the risk of legal fines and generate an Article 30 (RoPA).

GDPR Compliance

100% GDPR compliance with Auditee

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is a legal requirement for all businesses that process EU or UK personal data, and non-compliance can result in significant fines by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). GDPR regulations cover internal and external processing of personal data and require businesses to have a record of processing activities, which can be done through Article 30 & RoPA.

RoPA & Article 30

Effortlessly generate your Record of Processing Activities with ease.

Self-updating policies

Pre-built policies, legally verified and updated as the law changes.

GDPR awareness training

Ensure all employees receive regular & effective GDPR security training.

Manage data requests

Trust Center provides data subject request compliant workflows.
RoPA & Article 30

Effortless compliance with RoPA & Article 30

Being RoPA and Article 30 compliant in relation to GDPR shows your dedication to data protection and privacy, enhancing your reputation and giving customers confidence in your business's data management practices.

GDPR compliance risks

Mitigate data risks across EU & UK markets

Failing to comply with GDPR can result in significant financial penalties, up to 4% of annual global revenue or €20 million. Other risks include damage to reputation, loss of customer trust, and potential legal action from individuals or data protection authorities.

GDPR Training

Complete security awareness training

90% of all breaches start with user error. By making your employees your first line of defence, you can reduce your risk of a security breach and safeguard your business. Regular and updated security training reinforce employee training and help prevent future incidents.

GDPR Policies

Policies written for you and self-updated

Writing GDPR policies can be tough, which is why Auditee provides self-updating GDPR policies and documentation to ensure you are always compliant. If the law changes, you get automatic updates that can be actioned in just a few clicks.

GDPR Certification

Focus on your business, not on GDPR

Are you 100% sure you're GDPR compliant? Auditee helps businesses like yours, stay GDPR compliant by providing a comprehensive set of tools, including pre-built policies, security training, automated evidence collection, and tracking. Transmit trust to your customers, and protect your business from potential data breaches and penalties.

Increase customer trust

Demonstrate your commitment to protecting personal data.

Close more deals

Breeze through security reviews with questionnaire automation.

Improve data security

Display your compliance with GDPR Certificate and badges.

Reduce risk of fines

Average fine for SME's is £30k from ICO for non-compliance.